Carcinogenesis Models: Animal Models and Their Applicability


  • Wibowo Mathew David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles, California


Carcinogenesis Models (CM), Animal Model (AM), Applicability (A), Smart PLS Software.


Researchers and clinicians continue to encounter many problems in the vast and multidimensional field of cancer research. Carcinogenesis models have become essential tools for understanding the complexities of carcinogenesis and investigating potential therapeutic approaches. They range from conventional rodent models to state-of-the-art genetically modified and patient-derived xenograft models. These models have several uses, from researching the tumor microenvironment and understanding metastasis to clarifying molecular pathways and medication development. Future directions include emphasizing translating promising findings into clinical trials, incorporating emerging technology, and encouraging interdisciplinary collaboration. The emphasis is also on worldwide collaboration initiatives and ethical considerations to guarantee appropriate and repeatable research practices. The knowledge gathered by carcinogenesis models is set to impact the course of cancer care as we approach a new age in cancer research marked by rapid technical developments and a deeper understanding of the molecular basis of cancer. In order to develop approaches to cancer prevention, diagnosis, and therapy, basic research, and clinical applications must work together. This will eventually lead to a time when cancer will not only be understood but also defeated.


